- 2007-05-07: Anonymous editing disallowed on InfoVis:Wiki due to SPAM
- 2007-04-20: Review of the newly released Tableau 3.0 by Stephen Few
- 2007-04-19: Funded PhD position in InfoVis at Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
- 2007-04-16: Historic Information Graphics literature review by Aaron Marcus
- 2007-03-10: "ShoppingPath": novel Shopping Visualization Tool
- 2007-03-02: Google Custom Search Engine for Data Visualization

- 2007-02-28: A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
- 2007-02-28: "visual-literacy.org": An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business

- 2007-02-15: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "InfoVis Diagram" available
- 2007-01-22: JavaOne Online Learning Resource on "NetBeans IDE Common Framework for Information Visualization"
- 2007-01-11: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Diagrams for Visualisation" available
- 2006-12-07: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Exploratory Search" available
- 2006-12-06: Research and Teaching Position at Danube University Krems, Austria
- 2006-12-06: Is There Science in Visualization?
- 2006-12-04: "Discovering the Unexpected" - Call for Papers: Visual Analytics in IEEE CG&A
- 2006-11-29: Stephen Few comments on InfoVis 2006 conference
- 2006-11-13: Presentation of InfoVis:Wiki at Wikiposium 2006
- 2006-10-30: New release of XmdvTool is available (7.0)
- 2006-10-23: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Colour guidelines" available
- 2006-09-28: InfoVis'06 Papers on the Web
- 2006-09-28: Job offer: 4 Research Positions in Visualization & Semantic Systems at Graz University of Technology and Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
- 2006-09-20: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Colour Usage" available
- 2006-08-28: "Simplicity - the art of complexity" is the theme of this years Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria
- 2006-08-01: Job openings at IBM T, J. Watson: Research Staff Member
- 2006-07-24: Post-doc job offer at for "Interactive and Visual Graph Mining" at INRIA / Bordeaux, France
- 2006-06-27: Post-Doc / PhD Position at MPI Tuebingen
- 2006-06-02: Ph.D. Fellowships in Visual Analytics available at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Computer Science Department
- 2006-05-29: Oculus Info Inc hiring information visualization experts

- 2006-05-24: SemaSpace - Graph editor for large knowledge networks
- 2006-05-21: Junk Charts - New Blog on chart junk
- 2006-05-15: Open Lecture on "Complexity and Infoviz", Design Faculty of Polietcnico di Milano. Milan, Italy
- 2006-04-24: Open Research and Teaching Assistant/PhD Candidate position at Danube University Krems, Austria
- 2006-04-20: Call for Papers - C&G Special Issue on Visual Analytics
- 2006-04-19: "The Surest Path to Visual Discovery" - Article by Stephen Few illustrating the Visual Information Seeking Mantra
- 2006-04-18: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Visualising Time" available

- 2006-03-27: Market Radar: interactive data visualization of historical stock prices at SmartMoney.com
- 2006-03-21: Post-doctoral position at CNRS, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France
- 2006-03-20: Webcast by Ben Shneiderman on Information Exploration
- 2006-03-15: Information Visualization Post-Doc and Summer Internship Positions at INRIA (France)
- 2006-03-14: Article on Chart Junk: "Ice Age, or How to Avoid Frightening your Readers by Hiding the Key Data Point"
- 2006-03-10: Visual Information Expert Workshop
- 2006-03-08: The new book "Beautiful Evidence" by E. Tufte will be available soon
- 2006-03-06: Article on "Visual Analytics" in current issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- 2006-02-26: Submission Deadline of IV06 has been extended to March 20, 2006
- 2006-02-16: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Preattentive Processing" available

- 2006-01-25: Travel Time Tube Map
- 2006-01-17: IEEE Information Visualization Symposium Proceedings will appear as an issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
- 2006-01-11: Article on "Visualizing Spreadsheets" in DMReview magazine
- 2005-12-12: New Issue of Information Visualization Journal
- 2005-12-01: 2D vs. 3D on Task Performance - article in the upcoming TVCG Journal

- 2005-11-29: Google Analytics - Powerful free web analytics service
- 2005-11-29: Jellyfish - visualization of an art encyclopedia (developed using processing.org)
- 2005-11-18: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Web Content Mining Visualisation" available
- 2005-10-24: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Logfile Analysis" available
- 2005-10-19: List of del.icio.us visualizations
- 2005-10-18: blogviz - Mapping the dynamics of Information Diffusion in Blogspace
- 2005-10-18: Summary of a distinguished lecture by Martin Wattenberg at UC Berkeley
- 2005-10-17: "browse.delicious" a visual browser to explore the del.icio.us community network

- 2005-10-17: VisualComplexity.com - a comprehensive repository of complex network visualizations
- 2005-10-11: Jock D. Mackinlay wins DMReview's data visualization competition
- 2005-10-10: Browse the web as a 3D city
- 2005-10-07: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "Web Structure Visualisation" available

- 2005-10-04: "The Big Picture" - Ontology viewer for cnet.com articles
- 2005-09-30: Evaluating Visualizations: Do Expert Reviews Work?
- 2005-09-29: InfoVis:Wiki has been upgraded to MediaWiki 1.5
- 2005-09-27: Winners of "Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge 2005"

- 2005-09-15: "Revealicious" and "Delicious Soup" - two Flash based del.icio.us visualization tools
- 2005-09-05: Ben Fry and Casey Reas receive a "Golden Nica" for their "processing" project

- 2005-09-02: "In The News" moves from Google News to del.icio.us tags and is now called "Vox Delicii"

- 2005-08-29: "Color Code" - Interactive Map of the English Language
- 2005-08-26: Special Issue of the Information Visualization Journal on "Bioinformatics Visualization"

- 2005-08-26: New article on visualizion techniques for the Usenet
- 2005-08-26: Special Section on the IEEE InfoVis conference in "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics"

- 2005-08-24: "Schemaball" - Schema Viewer for SQL Databases
- 2005-08-24: "Design in Theory and Practice" column in Digital Web Magazine
- 2005-08-24: New Website on "Knowledge Visualization"
- 2005-07-27: Call for Papers for "Visual Analytics" Special Issue of IEEE TVCG
- 2005-07-27: The First International Wikimedia Conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany (August 4-8, 2005)
- 2005-07-26: Interview with Katy Börner at Inf@Vis! (infovis.net digital magazine)

- 2005-07-21: "In The News" - Interactive Visualization of Google News
- 2005-07-19: Typography tutorial by "Before & After" magazine

- 2005-07-18: Treemap representation of del.icio.us most popular bookmarks
- 2005-07-13: Commentary on the IV05 conference in new issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net)
- 2005-07-12: Recent article about the "Top 10 Unsolved Information Visualization Problems"
- 2005-06-29: New issue of Inf@Vis! (infovis.net) on "The Landscape Metaphor" available

- 2005-06-20: InfoVis:Wiki upgrades to MediaWiki 1.4.5
- 2005-06-14: Top contributors list to InfoVis:Wiki

List of all available RSS feeds