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completed 2013 and added 2014
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=== 2013 ===
=== 2013 ===
*[[VCT 2013]]: Jan 30, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Symposium on '''Visual Computing Trends'''
*[[VDA 2013]]: Feb 4-6, 2013, Burlingame, CA, USA. Conference on '''Visualization and Data Analysis'''
*[[IVAPP 2013]]: Feb 21-24, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on '''Information Visualization Theory and Applications'''
*[[IVAPP 2013]]: Feb 21-24, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on '''Information Visualization Theory and Applications'''
*[[PacificVis 2013]]: Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2013, Sydney, Australia. Symposium on '''Visualization'''
*[[PacificVis 2013]]: Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2013, Sydney, Australia. Symposium on '''Visualization'''

Revision as of 18:46, 29 October 2013

Conferences ordered by date:


  • IVAPP 2014: Jan 5-8, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
  • VDA 2014: Feb 3-5, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA. Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
  • PacificVis 2014: Mar 4-7, 2014, Yokohama, Japan. Symposium on Visualization
  • VIZBI 2014: Mar 5-7, 2014, Heidelberg, Germany. The 5th international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data
  • VisualCol 2014: May 19-23, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 3rd international Workshop on Visualization and Collaboration
  • AVI 2014: May 27-30, 2014, Como, Italy. International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
  • WSCG 2014: June 2-5, 2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic. International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
  • EuroVis 2014: June 9-13, 2014, Swansea, UK. The Eurographics/IEEE Conference on Visualization
  • SIGRAD 2014: June 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden. Annual Conference of the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics (SIGRAD)
  • BioVis 2014: July 11-14, 2014, Boston, USA. IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization
  • IV 2014: July 15-18, 2014, Paris, France. International Conference Information Visualisation
  • Diagrams 2014: July 28-August 1, 2014, Melbourne, Australia. The 8th international conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams
  • VLC 2014: August 27-29, 2014, Pittsburgh, USA. International Worlshop on Visual Languages and Computing
  • VMV 2014: September 2014, Darmstadt, Germany. 19th international workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization
  • I-KNOW 2014: September 2014, Graz, Austria. International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Computing
  • GD 2014: September 24-26 2014, Würzburg, Germany. The 22nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing
  • IEEE VIS 2014: November 9-14, 2014, Paris, France. IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE Information Visualization, and IEEE Scientific Visualization


  • VCT 2013: Jan 30, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Symposium on Visual Computing Trends
  • VDA 2013: Feb 4-6, 2013, Burlingame, CA, USA. Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
  • IVAPP 2013: Feb 21-24, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
  • PacificVis 2013: Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2013, Sydney, Australia. Symposium on Visualization
  • GeoViz Hamburg 2013: Mar 6-8, 2013, Hamburg, Germany. Interactive Maps that Help People Think
  • VIZBI 2013: Mar 20-22, 2013, Cambridge MA, USA. The 4th international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data
  • VisualCol 2013: May 20-24, 2013, San Diego, California, USA. 3rd international Workshop on Visualization and Collaboration
  • VMLS 2013: June 16-18, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. The EuroVis Workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences
  • EuroVis 2013: June 17-21, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. The Eurographics/IEEE Conference on Visualization
  • EuroVA 2013: June 17-18, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics
  • EuroRV^3 2013: June 17-18, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization
  • EuroVis 2013 June 17-21, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. The Eurographics/IEEE Conference on Visualization
  • EnvirVis 2013: June 17-18, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. EuroVis Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences
  • VAMP 2013: June 19, 2013, Leipzig, Germany. EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics using Multidimensional Projections
  • WSCG 2013: June 24-27, 2013, Pilsen, Czech Republic. International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
  • ICWSM 2013: July 8-11, 2013, Cambridge MA, USA. AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-13)
  • SocMedVis 2013: July 11, 2013, Cambridge MA, USA. AAAI ICWSM Workshop on Social Media Visualization
  • IV 2013: July 15-18, 2013, London, UK. International Conference Information Visualisation
  • ISVC 2013: July 29-31, 2013, Crete, Greece. International Symposium on Visual Computing
  • VLC 2013: August 8-10, 2013, Brighton, United Kingdom. International Worlshop on Visual Languages and Computing
  • IDEA 2013: August 11, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA. KDD Worlshop on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics
  • VINCI 2013: August 17-18, 2013, Tianjin, China. 6th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction.
  • EyeTracking 2013: August 23-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany. ICC Worlshop on Eye Tracking: why, when, and how?
  • TAProViz 2013: August 26 2013, Beijing, China. International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Process Visualization
  • I-KNOW 2013: September 4-6 2013, Graz, Austria. International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Computing
  • VMV 2013: September 11-13 2013, Lugano, Switzerland. 18th international workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization
  • GD 2013: September 23-25 2013, Bordeaux, France. The 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing
  • VISSOFT 2013: September 27-28 2013, Eindhoven, Netherlands. The 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
  • BigDataVis 2013: October 6 2013, Silicon Valley, CA, USA. The 1st IEEE Workshop on Big Data Visualization
  • IEEE VIS 2013: October 13-18, 2013, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE Information Visualization, and IEEE Scientific Visualization
  • BioVis 2013: October 13-14, 2013, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization
  • LDAV 2013: October 13-14, 2013, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization
  • VizSec 2013: October 14, 2013, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security
  • DLAC 2013: October 28-29, 2013, Kolkata, India. Workshop on Diagram Logic and Cognition
  • VAHC 2013: November 16, 2013, Washington, DC. Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare


  • IEEE CG&A 2012-1 January/February 2012 CFP: IEEE CG&A Special Issue on Visualization Applications and Design Studies
  • BIODEVICES 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
  • BIOINFORMATICS 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
  • BIOSIGNALS 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
  • BIOSTEC 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
  • HEALTHINF 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, International Conference on Health Informatics.
  • BPSAA 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, International Conference on Health Informatics
  • MPBS 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, Second International Special Session on Multivariable Processing for Biometric Systems
  • RPBB 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, Special Session on Rapid Prototyping of Biomimetic Biodevices
  • SSTB 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, Special Session on Training in Bioinformatics
  • AAL 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications
  • MIAD 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications
  • MindCare 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2nd International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health
  • VBB 2012: February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1st International Workshop on Veterinary Biosignals and Biodevices
  • GRAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
  • IVAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
  • IVAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
  • VISAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
  • VISIGRAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
  • IVAPP 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
  • PECCS 2012: February 24-26, 2012, Rome, Italy, 2nd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
  • PacificVis 2012 Feb 28 - March 2, 2012 Songdo, Korea. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
  • CSEDU 2012: April 16-18, 2012, Porto, Portugal, 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
  • WEBIST 2012: April 18-21, 2012, Porto, Portugal, 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
  • CLOSER 2012: April 18-21, 2012, Porto, Portugal,2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
  • SCCG 2012 May 2-4, 2012 Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic. Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
  • AVI 2012: May 21-25, 2012, Capri Island (Naples), Italy. International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
  • VisualCol 2012: May 21-25, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA. International Workshop on Visualization and Collaboration
  • SocMedVis 2012: June 4, 2012, Dublin, Ireland. ICWSM Workshop on Social Media Visualization
  • EuroVA 2012: June 4-5, 2012, Vienna, Austria. EuroVis workshop on Visual Analytics
  • EuroVis 2012: June 5-8, 2012, Vienna, Austria. Eurographics/IEEE Conference on Visualization
  • ICEIS 2012: June 28-July 1, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland,14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
  • ENASE 2012: June 18-July 1, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland,7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  • Diagrams 2012: July 2-6, 2012, Canterbury, Kent, UK. The 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams.
  • Euler Diagrams 2012: July 2, 2012, Canterbury, Kent, UK. 3rd International Workshop on Euler Diagrams.
  • TAVA 2012: Sept 5, 2012, Graz, Austria. Special Track on Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics
  • SCIVIS 2012: Oct 14-19, 2012, Seatle, WA, USA. 23rd IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference
  • INFOVIS 2012: Oct 14-19, 2012, Seatle, WA, USA. 18th IEEE Information Visualization Conference
  • VAST 2012: Oct 14-19, 2012, Seatle, WA, USA. 7th IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology Conference
  • LDAV 2012: Oct 14-19, 2012, Seatle, WA, USA. IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization
  • BioVis 2012: Oct 14-19, 2012, Seatle, WA, USA. IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization
  • ITS 2012: Nov. 11-14, 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA. The Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2012 Conference
  • SIGRAD 2012: Nov. 29-30, 2012, Växjö, Sweden. Annual Conference of the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics (SIGRAD)


  • BIOINFORMATICS: June 28-July 1, 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
  • BIOSIGNALS: January 26-29, 2011, Rome, Italy, 4th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
  • BIOSTEC: January 26-29, 2011, Rome, Italy, 4th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
  • HEALTHINF: January 26-29, 2011, Rome, Italy, 4th International Conference on Health Informatics
  • ICAART: January 28-30, 2011, Rome, Italy, 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
  • MIAD : January 28-29, 2011, Rome, Italy, 2nd International Workshop on Medical Image Analysis and Description for Diagnosis Systems
  • PacificVis 2011: March 1-4, 2009, Hong Kong. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2011.
  • PECCS : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal,1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS)
  • IMAGAPP : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal,International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications (IMAGAPP)
  • IVAPP : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal, International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP)
  • VISAPP : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP)
  • VISIGRAPP : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal, International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP)
  • GRAPP : March 05-07, 2011, Algarve, Portugal, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP)
  • EuroVA 2011: May 31, 2011, Bergen, Norway, EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA)
  • EuroVis 2011: May 31–June 3, 2011, Bergen, Norway. Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization
  • IV2011: July, 12 – 15, 2011, London, UK. 15th International Conference on Information Visualization.
  • VINCI 2011: Aug 4-5, 2011, Hong Kong, 2011 Visual Information Communication - International Symposium
  • IJWET: Aug 20, 2011 (submission) Special Issue on Visualization and Integration on the Web
  • VAW 2011: Sep 6-8, 2011, London, UK, UKVAC Visual Analytics Workshop
  • TAVA 2011: Sept 7, 2011, Graz, Austria. Special Track on Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics
  • ISVC 2011: Sept 26-28, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. International Symposium on Visual Computing.
  • VISSOFT 2011: Sept 29-30, 2011, Williamsburg, VA, USA. 6th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis
  • LDAV 2011: Oct 23-24, Providence, RI, USA IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization
  • BioVis 2011: Oct 23-24, 2011, Providence, RI, USA IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization
  • USAB 2011: Nov 25-26, 2011, Graz, Austria, Usability Symposium - Information Quality in e-Health


  • TEI'10: January 25-27, 2010, Cambridge, MA, USA, Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
  • IxD10: February 4-7, 2010, Savannah, GA, USA, Interaction 2010.
  • CSCW 2010: February 6-10, 2010, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: February 7-10, 2010, Hong Kong, China.
  • CSEDU 2010: April 07-10, 2010, Valencia, Spain - International Conference on Computer Supported Education.
  • WEBIST 2010: April 07-10, 2010, Valencia, Spain - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.
  • CHI 2010: April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  • EuroHaptics 2010: July 8-10, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • SoftVis 2010: October 25-26, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • World Usability Day 2010: November 11, 2010, Everywhere.
  • IDAMAP 2010: November 12, 2010, Washington, DC, USA. Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine And Pharmacology
  • ISVC 2010: November 29 - December 1, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. International Symposium on Visual Computing.



  • AIS2008: September 21, 2008, Seoul, South Korea. Workshop on Ambient Information Systems held at UbiComp08.
  • VISIGRAPP 2008: January 22-25, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.
  • VizThink '08: January 27-29, 2008. San Francisco, CA, USA. VizThink Conference '08.
  • BIOSTEC 2008: January 28-31, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies.
  • BIODEVICES 2008: January 28-31, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices.
  • BIOSIGNALS 2008: January 28-31, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing.
  • HEALTHINF 2008: January 28-31, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Conference on Health Informatics.
  • PacificVis 2008: March 5-7, 2008, Kyoto, Japan. 2008 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium.
  • 3DUI 2008: March 8-9, 2008, Reno, Nevada, USA. IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interface.
  • VC 2008: March 17-19, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria. 1st IASTED International Conference on Visual Communications.
  • IASTED-HCI 2008: March 17-19,2008, Innsbruck, Austria. The third IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  • BELIV'08: April 5, 2008, Florence, Italy. CHI 2008 Workshop BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization.
  • CHI 2008: April 5-10, 2008, Florence, Italy. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • EG 2008: April 14-18, 2008, Crete, Greece. Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics.
  • ISCRAM 2008: May 4-7, 2008, Washington DC, USA, 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.
  • WEBIST 2008: May 4-7, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.
  • GeoVis 2008: May 5, 2008, Girona, Spain, Workshop GeoVisualization of Dynamics, Movement and Change and special issue of the Information Visualization journal.
  • vizNET 2008: May 7-9, 2008, Loughborough, UK. The 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Intersections of Visualization Practices and Techniques
  • ICINCO 2008: May 11-15, 2008. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics.
  • Usability Day VI: May 16, 2008, Dornbirn, Austria. Sixth Usability Day.
  • CTS 2008: May 19-23, 2008. Irvine, California, USA. International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Special session on Visualization and Collaboration.
  • EuroVis 2008: May 26-28, 2008, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Eurographics/IEEE Computer Society VGTC Symposium on Visualization.
  • AVI 2008: May 28-30, 2008, Naples, Italy. International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
  • GI 2008: May 28-30, 2008, Windsor, ON, Canada. 34th Graphics Interface conference.
  • EHRViz-Workshop: May 30, 2008, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. Interactive Visual Exploration of Electronic Health Records Workshop.
  • SG 2008: June 2-4, 2008, Rennes, France. 8th International Symposium on SmartGraphics.
  • CGI 2008: June 9-11 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. 26th Computer Graphics International on Computer Graphics.
  • HCI4AGING: July 9–11, 2008, Linz, Austria. Special Thematic Session Human–Computer Interaction & Usability for Elderly in the context of ICCHP 2008.
  • ICSOFT 2008: July 05-08, 2008. Porto, Portugal. 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies.
  • CMV2008: July 8, 2008, London, UK. 6th International Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization.
  • IV08: July 8-11, 2008, London, UK. 12th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
  • IVBI'08: July 8-11, 2008, London, UK. International Symposium on Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics.
  • CGV 2008: July 24-26, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization.
  • ICETE 2008: July 26-29, 2008. Porto, Portugal. International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications.
  • ICE-B 2008: July 26-29, 2008. Porto, Portugal. International Conference on e-Business.
  • SECRYPT 2008: July 26-29, 2008. Porto, Portugal. International Conference on Security and Cryptography.
  • SIGMAP 2008: July 26-29, 2008. Porto, Portugal. International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications.
  • WINSYS 2008: July 26-29, 2008. Porto, Portugal. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems.
  • VIIP 2008: September 1-3, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, The 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing.
  • KVD'08: September 3, 2008, Graz, Austria. I-KNOW ´08 special track on Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery 2008.
  • VizSEC 2008: September 15, 2008, Boston, MA, USA. 5th International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security.
  • SoftVis'08: September 16-17, 2008, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany. ACM Symposium on Software Visualization.
  • Diagrams 2008: September 19-21, 2008, Herrsching, Germany. 5th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams.
  • GD 2008: September 21-24, 2008, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. International Symposium on Graph Drawing.
  • GeoVisualAnalytics 08: September 23-26, 2008, Park City, Utah, USA. Workshop on Geospatial Visual Analytics at the GIScince 2008 Conference.
  • EG VCBM 2008: October 6-7, 2008, Delft, The Netherlands. Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine.
  • CIS 2008: October 16-18, 2008, Goettweig, Austria. Gazing into the 21st Century, Second international conference on Image Science.
  • UIST '08: October 19-22, 2008, Monterey, CA, USA. 21st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
  • VisWeek 2008: October 19 - 24, 2008, Columbus, OH, USA. IEEE VisWeek 2008 (IEEE Visualization Conference, IEEE InfoVis Conference, IEEE VAST Symposium).
  • USAB 2008: November 20-21, 2008. Graz, Austria. Usability & Human-Computer Interaction for Education and Work - 4th Usability Symposium of the Austrian Computer Society
  • ISVC08: December 1-3, 2008. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing.


  • GVE 2007: January 3–5, 2007. Clearwater, Florida, USA. The IASTED International Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering.
  • IUI 2007: January 28 - 31, 2007, Honolulu, USA. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
  • APVIS 2007: February 5-7, 2007, Sydney, Australia. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation.
  • CGIM 2007: February 13–15, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria. The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging.
  • SAC 2007: March 11-15, 2007, Seoul, Korea. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, MultiMedia &Visualization Track.
  • IASTED-HCI 2007: March 14-16,2007, Chamonix, France. The Second IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  • IDC 2007: March 29-30, 2007, Greenwich, London, UK. Information Design Conference 2007.
  • VDA Workshop 2007: April 28, 2007, Minneapolis, USA. Visual Data Analysis Workshop.
  • CHI 2007: April 30 - May 3, 2007, San Jose, USA. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • Usability Day V: May 11, 2007, Dornbirn, Austria. Fifth Usability Day.
  • EUROVIS 2007: May 23-25, 2007, Norrköping, Sweden. Joint Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization.
  • 3IA 2007: May 30-31, 2007, Athens, Greece. 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence.
  • CMV 2007: July 2, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. 5th International Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views In Exploratory Visualization.
  • BNCODvis'07: July 2-3, 2007, Glasgow, UK. 1st BNCOD Workshop on Information Visualisation and Interface Usability for Large Data Sets.
  • IVBI'07: July 4, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. International Symposium on Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics.
  • KDViz'07: July 4-6, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. 5th International Symposium on Knowledge Domain Visualization.
  • IV07: July 4-6, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland. 11th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
  • CGV 2007: July 6-8, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization.
  • APGV 07: July 25-27, 2007, Tübingen, Germany. 4th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization.
  • GeoVis 07: August 2-3, 2007, Helsinki, Finland. Workshop From geovisualization toward geovisual analytics.
  • VIIP 2007: August 29-31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, The 7th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing.
  • EG 2007: September 3-7, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics.
  • KVD'07: September 5, 2007, Graz, Austria. I-KNOW ´07 special track on Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery 2007.
  • VLC’2007: September 6-8, 2007, San Francisco Bay, USA. International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing.
  • ViSPLE 2007: September 10, 2007, Kyoto, Japan. 1st International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering.
  • GD 2007: September 23–26, 2007, Sydney, Australia. 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing.
  • UIST '07: October 7-10, 2007, Newport, RI, USA. 20th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
  • InfoVis 2007: October 28-30, 2007, Sacramento, CA, USA. IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.
  • VAST 2007: October 29-31, 2007, Sacramento, CA, USA. IEEE Symposium on 'Visual Analytics Science and Technology.
  • VizSEC 2007: October 28-30, 2007, Sacramento, CA, USA. Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security.
  • WMD 2007: November 15, 2007, Nagoya, Japan. Workshop on Massive Datasets.
  • USAB 2007: November 22, 2007. Graz, Austria. Usability & HCI for Medicine and Health Care - 3rd Usability Symposium of the Austrian Computer Society.
  • VIEW 2007: December 3-4, 2007, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. 2nd Visual Information Expert Workshop.


  • Wikiposium 2006: November 25, 2006. Vienna, Austria. 2nd Austrian Symposium on Wiki Systems and Applications.
  • usab-symposium 2006: November 16-17, 2006 November 23, 2006 (new date!). Vienna, Austria. 2nd Usability Symposium of the WG HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society.
  • VAST 2006: October 29 - November 3, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics and Technology.
  • InfoVis 2006: October 29 - November 3, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 12th annual IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.
  • UIST '06: October 15-18 2006, Montreux, Switzerland. 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
  • NordiCHI 2006: October 14-18, 2006, Oslo, Norway. The fourth Nordic conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  • VisualAnalytics SDS 2006: Sepetember 20, 2006, Muenster, Germany. Workshop on Visual Anaytics and Spatial Decision Support at GIScience conference.
  • GD 2006: September 18-20, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany. 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing.
  • KVD'06: September 6, 2006, Graz, Austria. I-Know '06 Special Track on Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery.
  • SoftVis'06: September 4-5, 2006, Brighton, UK. ACM Symposium on Software Visualization.
  • Mensch & Computer 2006: September 3-6, 2006, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Sechste fachübergreifende Konferenz Mensch & Computer 2006.
  • VIIP 2006: August 28-30, 2006, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, The 6th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing.
  • IDAMAP 2006: August 25-26, 2006, Verona, Italy. Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine And Pharmacology.
  • SIGGRAPH 2006: July 30 - August 3, 2006, Boston, MA, USA. 33rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.
  • APGV 2006: July 28-30, 2006, Boston, MA, USA. 3rd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization.
  • SG 2006: July 23-25, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. 6th International Symposium on Smart Graphics.
  • IV06: July 5-7, 2006, London, UK. 10th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
  • CMV2006: July 4, 2006, London, UK. 4th International Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization.
  • Diagrams 2006: June 28-30, 2006, Stanford, USA. 4th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams.
  • AVI 2006: May 23-26, 2006, Venezia, Italy. International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
  • BELIV'06: May 23, 2006, Venezia, Italy. AVI 2006 Workshop BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization.
  • EUROVIS 2006: May 8-10, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal. 8th annual Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization
  • VIEW 2006: April 24-25, 2006, Paris, France. Visual Information Expert Workshop.
  • CHI 2006: April 22-27, 2006, Montreal, Canada. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • APVIS 2006: February 1-3, 2006, Tokyo, Japan. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualization.
  • IUI 2006: January 29 - February 1, 2006, Sydney, Australia. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
  • GRAPP 2006: February 25 - 28, 2006 - Setúbal, Portugal. International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.
  • VDA 2006: January 16-17, 2006 - San Jose, CA, USA. Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis 2006.


  • usab-symposium 2005: November 8, 2005. Vienna, Austria. 1st Usability Symposium.
  • InfoVis 2005: October 23-25, 2005, Minneapolis, USA. 11th IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2005.
  • MobileHCI 05: September 19-22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria. 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services.
  • INTERACT 2005: September 12-16, 2005, Rome, Italy. Tenth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  • HCI 2005: September 5-9, 2005, Edinburgh, UK. 9th British HCI Group Annual Conference 2005.
  • Mensch & Computer 2005: September 4-7, 2005, Linz, Austria. 5. Fachübergreifende Konferenz (in German).
  • SG05: August 22-24, 2005, Frauenwoerth Cloister (near Munich), Germany. 5th International Symposium on Smart Graphics.
  • HCI International 2005: July 22-27, 2005, Las Vegas, USA. 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
  • IV05: July 6-8, 2005, London, UK. 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
  • CMV2005: July 5, 2005, London, UK. 3rd International Conference on Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization.
  • SoftVis'05: 14-15 May 2005, St. Louis, USA. 2nd ACM Symposium on Software Visualization.

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