2024-03-27: EuroVis 2024 Call for Posters (Extended Deadline: April 3, 2024)

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EuroVis 2024 Call for Posters


Submission deadline (extended): April 3, 2024 (Wednesday), 23:59 GMT
Submission via: https://new.precisionconference.com/eurovis24d

The EuroVis 2024 poster track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions.

We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional page allowed for references only) submitted as a PDF file. Contributions must be written and presented in English. We also strongly encourage the submission of additional materials. The poster draft itself can also be added as additional material (not mandatory for the initial submission, but mandatory for eventual camera-ready submission of accepted posters). Please note that the submissions will undergo a double-blind review process.

Poster sketches are submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS): https://new.precisionconference.com/eurovis24d

Please select Society: Eurographics, Conference/Journal: EuroVis 2024, Track: EuroVis 2024 Posters.

Any accepted posters are required to have at least one (paid) registered author to attend and present the poster at the conference in person.

Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included in the EG digital library with a DOI. The material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the original authors for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full paper) with more detailed content and mature results, without being considered self-plagiarism.

For detailed poster paper preparation and submission instructions (including the LaTeX template) please refer to the submission guidelines here: https://event.sdu.dk/eurovis/posters

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline (extended): April 3, 2024 (Wednesday)
  • Notification: April 17, 2024 (Wednesday)
  • Camera Ready Version: April 24, 2024 (Wednesday)
  • First day of conference: May 27, 2024 (Monday)

All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.

Posters Chairs

  • Alexandra Diehl, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Christina Gillmann, Leipzig University, Germany
  • Kostiantyn Kucher, Linköping University, Sweden

For any questions concerning poster submissions, please contact the Posters track chairs at posters(at)eurovis.org .