2012-02-04: CFP: Special Section of Computers & Graphics Journal on Visual Analytics
Papers are invited for a Computers & Graphics journal thematic special section on Visual Analytics. Visual Analytics is the science of analytical reasoning supported by interactive visual techniques, which requires interdisciplinary science integrating techniques from visualization and computer graphics, statistics and mathematics, data management and knowledge representation, data analysis and machine learning, cognitive and perceptual sciences, and more.
TOPICS of interest
include but are not limited to:
- Visual analysis processes and workflows
- Visual representations and interaction techniques
- Data management and knowledge representation
- Data analysis and machine learning
- Cognitive and perceptual aspects
- Infrastructure and Evaluation
- Applications, as far as they are strictly related to visual analytics.
- June 8 2013: Abstracts due
- June 15 2013: Special Section opens for submissions
- June 22 2013: Submissions due
- July 22: 1st Decisions communicated to authors
- August 30: Revised versions due
- September 15: Final decisions sent
- October 1st: Final versions of accepted papers due
- December 2013: Publication
The authors of promising selected high-quality papers of the EuroVA workshop 2013 will be invited to submit significantly extended and revised, journal-grade versions of their papers.
Submission Instructions
Computers & Graphics is an Elsevier publication. Authors are encouraged to use two-column Elsevier format with inline images. Please use LaTeX template http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/events/CAG/elsarticle-template-3-num-cag.tex for best results. For detailed paper formatting and submission instructions please refer to http://ees.elsevier.com/cag. You will need to register/log on to EES before submitting your paper. When prompted to specify the paper type, select: “Special section on Visual Analytics”.
Guest editors
Heidrun Schumann is heading the Computer Graphics Research Group at the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Rostock. Her research interests lie in the research areas of information visualization and Visual Analytics, particularly including the visualization of structures and multivariate data in space and time, the design of scalable visual interfaces and the development of rendering techniques. Current research projects are supported by research institutions or industry, and focus e.g. on the development of scalable visualization methods, on visual interfaces in smart environments, but also on application specific solutions, e.g. on the visualization of terrains or bio-medical data.
Margit Pohl is associate professor at the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology at the Vienna University of Technology. Her main research interests are information visualization/Visual Analytics, and Human-Computer Interaction. In this context she investigates perceptual and cognitive aspects of Visual Analytics. Her main current research project is CVAST – Centre for Visual Analytics Science and Technology.