2009-11-16: Visual Analytics and Privacy: request for opinions / information / collaboration

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Dear colleagues,

I am addressing you as experts in visualization and visual analytics. I want to know your opinion concerning the possible impacts of visual analytics on personal privacy. On the one hand, results of visual analytics may affect privacy. On the other hand, visual analytics methods might help to transform data in such a way that privacy is protected but important patterns still can be detected.

I am coordinating a working group on this topic within a EU-funded coordination action MODAP - "Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy" http://modap.org/ The goal of the project is to raise the awareness about privacy issues in visual analytics, shape the community, and define a research agenda. So far, the privacy issues have been addressed mostly by data mining and, to some extent, GIS researchers. Please inform me about any publications / projects / people working on privacy AND visualization.

In 2010 we are going to organize an expert workshop on this topic and have a possibility to invite keynote speakers. I would appreciate your candidate recommendations.

Please also leave me a note even if you did not work on privacy issues of visualization yet but are interested in this topic.

Best regards,

 Gennady Andrienko
