Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2008/09 - Gruppe 02 - Aufgabe 4: Difference between revisions

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**We should use graphs, when the message is contained in the shape of the values and the document you produce will be used to reveal relationship among multiple values[Few, 2004]. In our task about Homer Simpson's Drinking are too much different values that have to be shown, that a table all alone wouldn't show the information clearly enough.
We should use graphs, when the message is contained in the shape of the values and the document you produce will be used to reveal relationship among multiple values[Few, 2004]. In our task about Homer Simpson's Drinking are too much different values that have to be shown, that a table all alone wouldn't show the information clearly enough.

* Visual Mapping
* Visual Mapping
**On the "drink"-view of our data, where the Drinks are selected to be shown:
On the "drink"-view of our data, where the Drinks are selected to be shown:
The different life-periodes are mapped on the x-axis and the liters on the y-axis.
The different life-periodes are mapped on the x-axis and the liters on the y-axis.
** On the "substance"-view, where the sugar-, coffein- and alcohol-content can be seen:
On the "substance"-view, where the sugar-, coffein- and alcohol-content can be seen:
The different life-periodes are shown on the x-axis.
The different life-periodes are shown on the x-axis.
The percent in relation to the maximal dosis of different substances in the drinks per day is mapped on the y-axis.  
The percent in relation to the maximal dosis of different substances in the drinks per day is mapped on the y-axis.  

**Description of the technologies
**Description of the technologies
*We use a bar diagram to show our nominal dataset, because a simple comparison of the categorical subdivision of one or more measures in no particular order can be shown very easy by this visualization[Few, 2004].
We use a bar diagram to show our nominal dataset, because a simple comparison of the categorical subdivision of one or more measures in no particular order can be shown very easy by this visualization[Few, 2004].
On the "substance"-view, we decided to show (for the medicine view) the differences to the maximal dosis by mapping the substances on a percent-scale, where the maximal dosis is shown by a line[Few, 2004]. The bars show the plus or minus of the substances in Homer Simpson's drinking to these lines and the information of the g, mg and ml are popped-up in a label, when the bar is selected.
On the "substance"-view, we decided to show (for the medicine view) the differences to the maximal dosis by mapping the substances on a percent-scale, where the maximal dosis is shown by a line[Few, 2004]. The bars show the plus or minus of the substances in Homer Simpson's drinking to these lines and the information of the g, mg and ml are popped-up in a label, when the bar is selected.

Revision as of 14:40, 22 December 2008


Beschreibung der Aufgabe 4

Gegebene Daten

Homer Simpson's Trinkverhalten in Abhängigkeit von seinen Lebensumständen

...Visualisierung von Homer's Lebensabschnitten bzw. Ereignissen mit Einfluss auf sein Trinkverhalten (zB.: Kindheit, Pubertät, Arbeitslosigkeit, Beziehungen, Hochzeit, Geburt der Kinder, Liebeskummer, Alltag, etc.) von seiner Geburt bis Jetzt + mögliche Zukunftsszenarien (mind. 3).

  • Die Menge folgender Getränke soll für die jeweiligen Lebensumstände ablesbar sein

(ml oder Liter - je nachdem - pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (z.B.: Fokus+Kontext Methoden):

 a) Wasser
b) Milch
c) Fruchtsaft
d) Cola
e) Kaffee (Würfelzucker?)
f) Bier

(vereinfacht angenommen, Homer trinkt ausschließlich diese Getränke)

  • Die folgenden Werte sollen abhängig von den konsumierten Getränken ablesbar sein:
 1) g oder kg konsumierter Zucker (aus Getränken) + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr 
   (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 50g; enthaltener Zucker: 10g/100 ml Cola; 10g/100 ml Fruchtsaft; 3g/Würfelzucker).
2) mg konsumiertes Coffein + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 600mg; enthaltenes Coffein: 10 mg/100 ml Cola; 80 mg/100 ml Kaffee).
3) g konsumierter Alkohol + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 20g; enthaltener Alkohol: 3,6 g/100ml Bier)

  • Die Daten sollen zur medizinischen/psychologischen Analyse visualisiert werden.

  • Die bisher erlernten Design-Prinzipien sollen umgesetzt werden (z.B.: Optimierung der Data-ink ratio).

  • Die Mockups sollten zumindest 1) Homer's Leben im Überblick 2) und eine Detailansicht wiedergeben.

  • Alle nicht angeführten Daten können frei erfunden werden.



  • Visualization

We should use graphs, when the message is contained in the shape of the values and the document you produce will be used to reveal relationship among multiple values[Few, 2004]. In our task about Homer Simpson's Drinking are too much different values that have to be shown, that a table all alone wouldn't show the information clearly enough.

  • Visual Mapping

On the "drink"-view of our data, where the Drinks are selected to be shown: The different life-periodes are mapped on the x-axis and the liters on the y-axis. On the "substance"-view, where the sugar-, coffein- and alcohol-content can be seen: The different life-periodes are shown on the x-axis. The percent in relation to the maximal dosis of different substances in the drinks per day is mapped on the y-axis.

    • Description of the technologies

We use a bar diagram to show our nominal dataset, because a simple comparison of the categorical subdivision of one or more measures in no particular order can be shown very easy by this visualization[Few, 2004]. On the "substance"-view, we decided to show (for the medicine view) the differences to the maximal dosis by mapping the substances on a percent-scale, where the maximal dosis is shown by a line[Few, 2004]. The bars show the plus or minus of the substances in Homer Simpson's drinking to these lines and the information of the g, mg and ml are popped-up in a label, when the bar is selected.


  • [Few, 2004]:Stephen Few, Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten, Analytics Press, 2004, Appendix A - Table and Graph Design at a Glance.
