Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2009/10 - Gruppe 09 - Aufgabe 2

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Revision as of 18:29, 17 November 2009 by UE-InfoVis0910 9930270 (talk | contribs) (started to summarize review of existing table and changes to the table)
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Beschreibung der Aufgabe 2

Zu beurteilende Tabelle

Review of the Existing Table

  • A grid is used to delineate columns and rows of the table, which should be avoided as grids break up the data.
  • Rules are used to form a boundary around the entire table, which should be avoided if white space permits.
  • Numbers in scientific notation are hard to read and not easily comparable to each other.
  • Numbers are not aligned properly (numbers should always be aligned to the right).

Enhanced Table

Changes to the Table

  • The table has been split into two separate tables as the numbers of the two blocks are not comparable.
  • The grid has been removed, only the header areas are separated from the body of the tables using rules.
  • Columns and rows are delineated using white space only, which enhances readability.
  • The U-235 enrichment column is delineated from the rest of the body as it is a calculated value based on the other columns.
  • A percent sign was added to each value in the U-235 enrichment column.
  • Numbers are aligned to the right.
