Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2008/09 - Gruppe 07 - Aufgabe 4

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Beschreibung der Aufgabe 4

Gegebene Daten

Homer Simpson's Trinkverhalten in Abhängigkeit von seinen Lebensumständen

...Visualisierung von Homer's Lebensabschnitten bzw. Ereignissen mit Einfluss auf sein Trinkverhalten (zB.: Kindheit, Pubertät, Arbeitslosigkeit, Beziehungen, Hochzeit, Geburt der Kinder, Liebeskummer, Alltag, etc.) von seiner Geburt bis Jetzt + mögliche Zukunftsszenarien (mind. 3).

  • Die Menge folgender Getränke soll für die jeweiligen Lebensumstände ablesbar sein

(ml oder Liter - je nachdem - pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (z.B.: Fokus+Kontext Methoden):

 a) Wasser
b) Milch
c) Fruchtsaft
d) Cola
e) Kaffee (Würfelzucker?)
f) Bier

(vereinfacht angenommen, Homer trinkt ausschließlich diese Getränke)

  • Die folgenden Werte sollen abhängig von den konsumierten Getränken ablesbar sein:
 1) g oder kg konsumierter Zucker (aus Getränken) + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr 
   (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 50g; enthaltener Zucker: 10g/100 ml Cola; 10g/100 ml Fruchtsaft; 3g/Würfelzucker).
2) mg konsumiertes Coffein + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 600mg; enthaltenes Coffein: 10 mg/100 ml Cola; 80 mg/100 ml Kaffee).
3) g konsumierter Alkohol + empfohlene Maximaldosis pro Tag, Monat, Jahr (empfohlene Maximaldosis/Tag: 20g; enthaltener Alkohol: 3,6 g/100ml Bier)

  • Die Daten sollen zur medizinischen/psychologischen Analyse visualisiert werden.

  • Die bisher erlernten Design-Prinzipien sollen umgesetzt werden (z.B.: Optimierung der Data-ink ratio).

  • Die Mockups sollten zumindest 1) Homer's Leben im Überblick 2) und eine Detailansicht wiedergeben.

  • Alle nicht angeführten Daten können frei erfunden werden.

Interactiv visualization

A: Description of data, users and goals

B: Concept

Types of visualization

Different types of visualization were chosen in order to display the information. To get an overview of Homer Simpsons life one can see a distribution of the consumed drinks over the years. There is a possibility to enlarge certain parts of the diagram by "mouseover" it, which has a fisheye effect.

In order to get more details about one year, it is possible to click on the year to get a pie chart, which shows the distribution of the amount of different drinks in a more highlighted way. Next to the pie chart there is a normal comparison of the amount of consumed fluids compared to the amount of recommended maximum doses.

Double-clicking on one year will open a new distribution, next to the old one, showing Homers consumed drinks for each month. Also, clicking on one month will show a pie chart as well as a normal comparison of consumed fluids and maximum recommended dose. In this view it is also possible to double-click on one month, which will open the distribution shown for each day with the same possibilities mentioned above.

Visual Mapping

The used data can be parted in different types of data with different dimensions. On the one hand there are the different years, all having the same shape and size, all ordered by date in reverse order.

On the other hand there are different fluids, each having a different color and changing sizes. Each "year-container" is filled with different amounts of each color, which display the dimension of the consumed drink for each year. The amount of each drink is also presented in a pie chart (for year, month and day) by the area it takes up.

Another type of data-dimensions used in the graphs is the comparison of the consumed amount of fluid and the recommended maximum dose. This comparison is displayed showing the dimension of fluid (in height) next to the dimension of maximum dose (in height).

Description of principals and techniques

Different types of representation were used to visualize Homer Simpsons drinking habits.

Distribution [Few, 2004]: shows the distribution of different values on either vertical or horizontal bars.

Normal Comparison [Few, 2004]: uses only vertical or horizontal bars to compare different value in one or more messures and no particular order.

Pie Chart [Gruppe, 2008]: shows the distribution of different components which are parts of the whole.

They are best used for displaying statistical information when there are no more than six components
[Gruppe, 2008]

Fisheye: used to enlarge certain parts of a chart in order to be able to get a better preview of the data

Click / Double-click / mouseover: as a technique to navigate through the chart different commands are used.

Interaction possibilities

For the user there are different types of interacting with the system. When seeing the overview of Homer Simpsons life they can "mousover" all parts of the chart to see the data enlarged. If they are interested in more detail of the data, one click will display a new diagramm showing the selected data not only in detail but also giving more background information to see (e.g. the comparison of consumed fluid to recommended fluid, current situation concerning childhood, study, marrige, amount of children...).

Even more detailed views can be seen when double-clicking on the selected year/month/day. This will open a view not unlike the first overview, only in a different measure (month instead of years, days instead of month). The user can again get an enlarged view just "mouseovering" the data and more details clicking it once.

The overview of the data can still be seen on the left side of the new data, hence navigating back to get more detailed views on other sections of Homer Simpsons life is easily accomplished.

   * Interaktionsmöglichkeiten
         o Wie erfolgt die Interaktion der BenutzerInnen mit dem System?
         o Welche Interaktion dient welchem Zweck?
               + Navigation, Zooming, Highlighting, Dynamic Querying, Selection, Brushing, ...

Mockup(s) / Fake screenshot(s)

         o zumindest zwei grafische Entwurfsskizzen oder interaktiver Prototyp 
               + Handskizze + einscannen oder am Computer gezeichnet
   * Wie werden die BenutzerInnen in ihren Aufgaben unterstützt?
   * Welche Besonderheiten gibt es?
   * Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile der Technik?
   * Erweiterungs- bzw. Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten
   * etc.

