Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2007/08 - Gruppe 09 - Aufgabe 3

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Poor Graphic

Beschreibung der Aufgabe 3

Frauen träumen sanfter


Data-Ink Ratio

The goal is to design a display that has the highest possible data-ink ratio (that is, as close to the total of 1.0 or 100% as possible), without eliminating something that is necessary for effective communication.
[Few Article, 2004]

Following this principle unnecessary non-data ink will be removed. Therefore the background picture and the unnecessary graphics will be removed. Furthermore unnecessary data ink will be removed. Unnecessary data ink is from our point of view… In the next step the most important data should be emphasized. Since the attention of the reader should be drawn on the information that men more often dream about violence and conflicts, whereas women lead in having depressive dreams, this information should be emphasized with some special markup. For example, the bars, which having the dreams of the men ahead, could be colored with a more saturated color.

Visual Means to Highlight Data

A contrasting version of any visual attribute, rendered differently from the norm — whatever the norm — demands attention. … Anything different catches our eyes and begs us to assign meaning, to understand the significance of that difference.
[Few Article, 2004]

As mentioned above we want to draw the reader’s attention to the difference between women and men’s dreams. As the most important data in the graphic is that men dream more about violence, this part should be emphasized. Therefore the men’s violence bars could be drawn with a darker color.
