Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2007/08 - Gruppe 07 - Aufgabe 1 - Histogram

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In statistics, a histogram is a graphical display of tabulated frequencies. A histogram is the graphical version of a table that shows what proportion of cases fall into each of several or many specified categories. The histogram differs from a bar chart in that it is the area of the bar that denotes the value, not the height, a crucial distinction when the categories are not of uniform width (Lancaster, 1974). The categories are usually specified as non-overlapping intervals of some variable. The categories (bars) must be adjacent.
[Wikipedia, 2007]

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A histogram is used when we want to show frequencies of a continous variable. The continous variable can, of course, assume all values within an interval and the histogram reflects this by covering the whole of the interval concerned.
[Wallgreen et al., 1996]


class j absolute frequency nj class interval w j
1 (=> 24 ≤ x ≤ 26 ) 2 (=> 26 < x ≤ 28 ) 3 (=> 28 < x ≤ 33 )
This text may overlap the text which is supposed to float right to it.

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Histogram Illustration

Frequency Table
Frequency density (height of a column) = n j / w j

Related Links


  • [Wikipedia, 2007] Wikipedia, Histogram. Retrieved at: November 01, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram
  • [Wallgreen et al., 1996] Anders Wallgreen, Britt Wallgreen, Rolf Persson, Ulf Jorner and Jan-Aage Haaland. Graphing Statistics & Data: Creating Better Charts. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi, 1996.