Evaluating Information Visualization Applications
Short Description
The following visualizations are used to represent the collected data from CourseVis:
Access Plot:
The access plot shows the students' accesses to the course. It is an mixture of a scatterplot and a histogram.
The scatterplot shows the data of students and of the course while the histogram shows the number of pages of the course accessed by all students on a special date.
Discussion Plot:
This 3D scatterplot is about the disussions of the course. The figure shows time, topics and students.
The sphere represents a new thread and the number of messages are encoded with the color and size of the sphere.
Behavioural Graph:
This graph represents the behaviours of a single student.
It shows the student's access to the content pages, the global access to the course, a progress with the schedule of the course, messages and the submission of quizzes and assignments.
Important Citation
via the social gathering and the interaction which being in a focus
group entails