Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2007/08 - Gruppe 09 - Aufgabe 2

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Beschreibung der Aufgabe 2

Zu beurteilende Tabelle


Structural Components of Tables

Thoughtfully designed Data and Structural Components lead to clear and efficient communication.
Tables generally work best when they also contain additional text that is used to complement the categorical subdivisions and quantitative values in various ways. In Chapter 7, General Design for Communication, we noted that additional text can do the following:
  • Label
  • Introduce
  • Explain
  • Reinforce
  • Highlight
  • Sequence
  • Recommend
  • Inquire
[Few, 2004]

The table tries to explain its data with some text. It states labels for the “ASSETS” and the “FUND” columns. These column headers label the information below them and should be separated from the data with a horizontal line. The return values are clearly grouped with the spanner header “RETURN”. Maybe it should be stated that this is the return on investment. Below the “RETURN” spanner header we find column headers which state the period for which the data is valid. These should be separated from the data with a horizontal line. Furthermore it is not absolutely clear what there meaning is, and the mixing of so different periods makes it more difficult to understand the table. For example it would be interesting which 3 year period the 3-YR column covers. The dollar and percent signs should not be introduced at the first data line. Data definitions should be part of the column headers. The table does not try to focus my interest to a special area, because no area is specially highlighted.

Delineating columns and rows

The design process involves several decisions regarding the layout of columns and rows to provide a structure that is easy and efficient to read and understand. Readers should be able to scan quickly through the content to find what they need and perhaps make localized comparisons of related numbers.
[Few, 2004]

Columns and rows are delineated through
  • White space
  • Rules and grids
  • Fill color

White space

Rules and grids

Fill color

Arranging data

Columns or rows

Groups and breaks

Columns sequence

Data sequence

Formatting text



Number and date format

Number and date precision



Summarizing values

Column summary values

Row summary values

Group summary values

Header versus footers

Page information

Repeated column headers

Repeated row headers
