Title: MIDGAARD - Connecting Time-Oriented Data and Information to a Coherent Interactive Visualization
Participants: Ragnar Bade2, Silvia Miksch1, Stefan Schlechtweg2
- Information Engineering Group (ieg), Institute of Software Technology and Interactive System, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Europe.
- Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Department of Simulation and Graphics, Magdeburg, Germany
Homepage: http://ieg.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/projects/midgaard.html
Description: In modern intensive care units (ICUs), the medical staff has to monitor a huge amount of high-dimensional and time-oriented data, which needs to be visualized user- and task-specifically to ease diagnosis and treatment planning. Available visual representations, like diagrams or charts neglect the implicit information as well as a-priory or associated knowledge about the data and its meaning (e.g., 38.5°C (101.3°F) is moderate fever and 41°C (105.8°F) is critical fever). Another challenge is to provide appropriate interaction techniques to explore and navigate the data and its temporal dimensions. In this context one major challenge is to connect time-oriented data and information to a coherent interactive visualization.
The goal of this project is to
- Present different interactive visualization techniques which enable the users to reveal the data at several levels of detail and abstraction, ranging from a broad overview to the fine structure.
- Introduce a time visualization and navigation technique that connects overview+detail, pan+zoom, and focus+context features to one powerful time-browser.