Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2009/10 - Gruppe 06 - Aufgabe 3

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Revision as of 11:30, 5 January 2010 by UE-InfoVis0910 0525787 (talk | contribs) (additional reasons for changing the graph)
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Beschreibung der Aufgabe 3

Zu verbessernde Grafik

Critique about the Graph

  • data ink ratio is very high
  • The world map is not really necessary (except for showing the shipment routes)
  • The circles are overlapping
  • The values are not ordered (because they are shown on the map)
  • The label "Total Hazardous Waste Production" can't be attached to anything in the first moment
  • Much unimportant information, only the necessary info should be on the graph:
    • The circles as descriptors include the information about the ratio between country size and hazardous waste production.
    • Sublabels of Arrows: what's shipped?
    • Major Illegal Waste Shipment Routes" don't really fit into the question "Which countries produce the most hazardous waste?"


  • We made two graphs that separate the information.
    • The first one shows the shipment routes and geographical information, that could be interesting, like if countries that reported waste generation are lying to each other, etc.
    • The second one shows the values of the hazardous waste production. That is acutally the key information in the graph and it's not necessary to show where these countries are.
  • The values are ordered in a bar chart, which gives a better overview over the data.
  • The ship routes are only labelled by the continents, the additional information (goods etc) is removed, because that information is not as important.
  • The circles have been removed, because they didn't distribute as much information.
  • Numbers have been put to an extra graph
  • Removed the red color, because it was kind of an eye catcher