Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2007/08 - Gruppe 07 - Aufgabe 4

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Assignment description

Description of the fourth task

Assigned data / model

Analysis of the application area

Our sample data belong into the medical field of application. They are diagnostic findings which are basically sets of multiple tests that play a supportive role in doctors' decisions about the diagnosis. Given these two examples we can see that the second finding holds multiple times as much data as the first one. This indicates that each patient has a specialized set if tests that has been chosen for him by his doctor.

The data has been arranged in four columns. The first column holds the name of the test or the name of the subject the patient has been tested on. The second column holds the outcome of the test. In all cases we can see here, we are dealing with numbers. But some of these numbers are floating point numbers, others are integers. One of these tests even returns multiple values as result. The third column specifies the units of the results. The fourth column specifies the reference values for each of these tests, i.e. an interval that specifies acceptable values for this test. Multiple forms of intervals are being used, e.g:

  • bis 200
  • 220-480
  • <66



Aufgabe ist das Design einer interaktiven Visualisierungsapplikation zur Darstellung und Exploration
(des zeitlichen Verlaufs) von Laborwerten einer Blutuntersuchung. BenutzerInnen, Einsatzzweck, Tasks, etc.
sollen von Euch selbst festgelegt und beschrieben werden.

Beschreibung der Aufgabe 4

Beispiele für derartige Datensätze

