Uploads by Iwolf
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This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
02:22, 19 May 2005 | Photo tufte.jpg (file) | 14 KB | Edward Tufte portrait (Source: http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/) | 1 | |
14:06, 2 June 2005 | Vie-visu2.gif (file) | 21 KB | VIE-VISU Glyph | 1 | |
01:16, 13 June 2005 | Book-envisioning information.jpg (file) | 32 KB | Book Cover "Tufte, Envisioning Information" | 1 | |
00:41, 19 July 2005 | Delicious treemap.gif (file) | 85 KB | Treemap representation of del.icio.us bookmarks | 1 | |
01:49, 21 July 2005 | In the news.gif (file) | 61 KB | In The News (Google News visualization) | 1 | |
02:32, 21 July 2005 | Tu vienna.gif (file) | 1 KB | Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics | 1 | |
02:39, 21 July 2005 | Ieg logo.gif (file) | 10 KB | Information Engineering Group | 1 | |
02:42, 21 July 2005 | Ieg logo small.gif (file) | 2 KB | Information engineering Group | 1 | |
14:17, 24 August 2005 | Krzywinski04schemaball.jpg (file) | 23 KB | schemaball | 1 | |
15:25, 24 August 2005 | Labescape05enterprise-treemap.gif (file) | 62 KB | Lab Escape | 1 | |
09:11, 26 August 2005 | Turner05usenet.gif (file) | 277 KB | 1 | ||
12:55, 29 August 2005 | Wattenberg05colorcode.png (file) | 150 KB | 1 | ||
07:54, 2 September 2005 | Migurski05voxdelicii.png (file) | 116 KB | 1 | ||
10:52, 12 September 2005 | Bier93magiclens.gif (file) | 5 KB | Example for the use of Magic Lenses applied to a 3D model of a bridge<br> *Wireframe Lens (rectangular) *2D Magnifier Lens (circular) *+ their combination (magnified wireframe) | 1 | |
14:06, 15 September 2005 | Zitvogel05delicioussoup.png (file) | 35 KB | Delicious Soup - A tool that reveals your del.icio.us activities... | 1 | |
14:08, 15 September 2005 | Ivy05revealicious.jpg (file) | 64 KB | '''SpaceNav''' (part of the ''Revealicious'' project) -- allows for visually exploring [http://del.icio.us/ del.icio.us] bookmarks. | 1 | |
20:24, 29 September 2005 | Iwolf.jpg (file) | 4 KB | Wolfgang Aigner | 1 | |
11:24, 3 October 2005 | Johnsonshneiderman91treemap.jpg (file) | 58 KB | Treemap example | 1 | |
13:08, 3 October 2005 | Aigner05planningline.png (file) | 41 KB | PlanningLine glyph and represented time attribues | 1 | |
13:09, 3 October 2005 | Aigner05planninglines-plan.png (file) | 35 KB | Example project plan using PlanningLines | 1 | |
13:15, 3 October 2005 | Aigner05planningline-model.png (file) | 38 KB | 2 | ||
08:40, 4 October 2005 | Cnet05thebigpicture.png (file) | 117 KB | '''The Big Picture'' - Ontology viewer that connects stories, companies, and topics within the News.com website. | 1 | |
08:40, 4 October 2005 | Cnet05thebigpicture-detail.png (file) | 70 KB | '''The Big Picture''' - Ontology viewer that connects stories, companies, and topics within the News.com website. | 1 | |
09:45, 4 October 2005 | Aigner04carevis.gif (file) | 30 KB | CareVis application window - Interactive Visualization Methods to Support Protocol-Based Care | 1 | |
11:36, 4 October 2005 | Aigner03infovis ue.gif (file) | 5 KB | Logo of the Lecture "Informationsvisualisierung" | 1 | |
09:58, 10 October 2005 | ThreeB043B browser.png (file) | 183 KB | 3B browser | 1 | |
09:49, 13 October 2005 | Ggobi04brushlink.png (file) | 17 KB | Linking and brushing in a scatterplot matrix (image created with [http://www.ggobi.org GGobi] [Voigt, 2002] | 1 | |
12:30, 13 October 2005 | Leung94polyfocal.gif (file) | 113 KB | Polyfocal display [Leung and Apperley, 1994] | 1 | |
12:39, 14 October 2005 | Mestres05coffeeroom.jpg (file) | 9 KB | Coffee room (by Adria Navarro Mestres) | 1 | |
10:58, 17 October 2005 | Lima05visualcomplexity.png (file) | 181 KB | Screenshot of '''VisualComplexity.com''', a repository of complext network visualizations | 1 | |
11:31, 17 October 2005 | Kormann05browsedelicious.png (file) | 52 KB | browse.delicious a visual browser to explore and experience the del.icio.us community network [Kormann, 2005] | 1 | |
13:45, 18 October 2005 | Lima05blogviz.png (file) | 24 KB | blogviz - Mapping the dynamics of Information Diffusion in Blogspace | 1 | |
08:42, 25 October 2005 | Mibi04death-and-taxes.jpg (file) | 1.76 MB | Death and Taxes: A visual look at where your tax dollars go. {{Quotation|Most people are unaware of how much of their taxes fund our military, and those aware are often misinformed. Well here it is. Laid out, easy to read and compare. With data straight | 1 | |
08:43, 25 October 2005 | Perceptualedge03slicerdicer.gif (file) | 18 KB | Bar Chart of SlicerDicer's Sales Compared to Other Products | 1 | |
08:44, 25 October 2005 | Perceptualedge03world-car-production.gif (file) | 67 KB | Multiple 3D Pie Chart of World Car Production 1977-80 | 1 | |
08:45, 25 October 2005 | Few05snowfall.gif (file) | 67 KB | Map of Idaho Ski Resort Annual Snowfall | 1 | |
08:46, 25 October 2005 | Few04tracking-trends.gif (file) | 116 KB | Infographic "Tracking the Trends" | 1 | |
08:47, 25 October 2005 | Friendly02doctors.gif (file) | 10 KB | Bar Chart of "Incomes of Doctors Vs. Other Professionals" | 1 | |
10:46, 25 November 2005 | Tufte-bar chart-redesign.gif (file) | 95 KB | E. Tufte's bar chart redesign | 1 | |
14:05, 29 November 2005 | Horn05jellyfish.jpg (file) | 92 KB | Jellyfish visualizes an encyclopedia of the arts. The application is developed in Processing and uses an XML-database to update content. | 1 | |
16:51, 25 January 2006 | Carden06travel time tube map.png (file) | 97 KB | Travel Time Tube Map - Screenshot of an [http://www.processing.org processing] Applet that distorts the London underground network circularly according to travel times from a selected station. | 1 | |
08:41, 27 March 2006 | Smartmoney06marketradar.gif (file) | 109 KB | Interactive data visualization of historical stock prices | 1 | |
09:53, 27 March 2006 | Google06finance.png (file) | 170 KB | Interactive Flash graphs to explore stock price data from Google Finance. | 1 | |
13:36, 8 May 2006 | Dossantos04vis pipeline.png (file) | 15 KB | The visualization pipeline describes the process of creating visual representations of data. | 1 | |
10:38, 24 May 2006 | Offenhuber06semaspace.jpg (file) | 74 KB | SemaSpace is a fast and easy to use graph editor for large knowledge networks, specially designed for the application in non technical sciences and the arts. It creates interactive graph layouts in 2d and 3d by means of a flexible algorithm. The system is | 1 | |
10:57, 29 May 2006 | Aharef06websitegraph.png (file) | 95 KB | Websites as graphs (http://www.infovis-wiki.net) | 1 | |
10:05, 7 June 2006 | Tory04user-centered-design.png (file) | 32 KB | Design cycle | 1 | |
11:04, 31 August 2006 | Keim06visual-analytics-disciplines.png (file) | 61 KB | Visual analytics as a highly interdisciplinary field of research. | 1 | |
15:05, 19 October 2006 | Ike-logo-schrift 385x35.png (file) | 8 KB | IKE Logo Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering, Danube University Krems | 1 | |
15:37, 19 October 2006 | Duk-logo 250x250.png (file) | 5 KB | Logo of Danube University Krems | 1 |