Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2006/07 - Gruppe 03 - Aufgabe 3 - Technique

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Conversation Landscape

Chat Cirles Description

  • Technique for vizualising Chats.

Mainly to get an better overview of the social interactions taking place in the chat.

In text-based chats (z.B. IRC) presence is shown only when one is actively messanging thats why silence and absence can't be distinguished.

In graphical chat systems people ar presented by a figure in a pictorial space. It is visible so long as one is connected to the system.

Chat Cirles is a graphical interface for synchronous communication. People, which are connected to the chat, are represented by a circle on the chat-screen. The circles get bigger and grow in brighten if the person represented by it, writes a message. If the user doesn't write messages it fades and diminish. You can move your circle in the screen, to "hear" what the people close to you say. Saving this movements over the time, you've got a visual communication history.

Visual Mapping

  • chat interface

every person who is participating in the chat is represented with a coloured circle, the color is unique for each user. the messages of this user appears in this circle. the frequence of messages, who activ a user is, is shown this way, the circle gets bigger and brighter with every message and smaller and starts to fade within periodes of silence, but it is still visuable. the different topics are shown as groups of circles, because the user cann only "hear" others in a range around the own position.

  • archive interface

in the chat archive interface of chat circles, again color is used to identify users.



the user can choose the color of his/her circle. the user can move the own circle around.

Use of Interactions

  • Navigation
  • Zooming
  • Highlighting
  • Dynamic Querying
  • Selection
  • Brushing




[Donath et al., 1999] Donath, J., Karahalios, K., and Viegas, F.: Visualizing Conversation. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) - Volume 2, page 2023. IEEE Computer Society, 1999.http://ieg.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~aigner/teaching/infovis_ue/papers/ConversationLandscapes_VisualizeConv.pdf