Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2005/06 - Gruppe G8 - Aufgabe 1 - Consistency

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"Consistency (in Design)" is often referred to as the central criteria for successful user interaction. Any interface wants to keep its user focused, and additionally guide him to a procedure or structure. All this needs a clear and consistent framework of elements within the design of the interface.

The following list tries to give a ranking, which elements of an interface are most important to be consistent [Bruce Tognazzini, 2003].

  1. Interpretation of user behavior, e. g., shortcut keys maintain their meanings.
  2. Invisible structures.
  3. Small visible structures.
  4. The overall "look" of a single application or service--splash screens, design elements.
  5. A suite of products.
  6. In-house consistency.
  7. Platform-consistency.

It is a common error to assume the list is should be the other way round, providing interfaces looking similar on the outside, but have a completely different behaviour on the inside. This would lead to major difficulties in usage, and thus in the success of the system. [Bruce Tognazzini, 2003]

To give an example for the points mentioned above in the list, I want to refer to Microsoft Windows as a software system and its applications.

ad 1.

Point one is fulfilled because it is a rule that all (?) the commands in Windows have a shortcut of the same nature: STRG+[underlined letter of command].

Unfortunatly the counter example can also be given within the Windows Software. Due to its large complexity there are some areas where this rule is just partially fulfilled.




[Bruce Tognazzini, 2003] First Principles of Interaction Design, Nielsen Norman Group

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