MBT History

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MBT shoes, more appropriately called an ‘anti-shoe’, were founded by Swiss engineer Karl Muller, inspired by a visit in Korea where he found that walking barefoot in the paddy fields alleviated his back pain. After his back, Karl Muller set a hand to study barefoot technology, and attempted to assisted modern people found the feeling of walking on the soft surfaces. Then after year’s development and research, MBT shoes were put into market in 1996. Recently,mbt shoes saleat more than 20 countries around the world, and gained wide popularity with their unique health concept. MBT shoes become extremely popular around the world, and gained the reputation “The world's smallest stadium”. But practical proof of the effectiveness of this technology has been provided for thousands of years by the Masai, a semi-nomadic tribe from East Africa. Joint and back pain are mostly unknown among them, they enjoy stable health and remarkable athletic ability. Then Swiss engineer Karl Muller to discover the secret of the Masai: the simple fact that walking barefoot on soft, natural ground means that they have to balance their bodies with each and every step. “Masai Barefoot Technology” adopted in MBT shoes would make the natural instability of soft surfaces accessible to people forced to move on hard ground.