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Data is simple facts, lacking any context. If data doesn't inform us, it's not information. Or equally valid, without context data it is simply the raw material from which we depart to understanding. 07012007 is data, that can hold many meanings, a date, a batch number, an anniversary...
[Dürsteler, 2007]

Data are observational measurements that have been recorded in some way, whereas information is data that is generalized, ordered and contextualized in ways that give them meaning. Information thus is selective toward data, separating the important from the relatively unimportant.
[Mennis et al., 2000]

Data refer to a collection of facts usually collected by observations, measures or experiments. Data consist of numbers, words, or images. It is generally called abstract data in infovis, since it refers to data that has no inherent spatial structure enabling further mapping to any geometry.
[Bertini and Lalanne, 2009]

see Knowledge Discovery for an explanation of the relationship between Data, Information, Insight, Model, Pattern, Hypothesis, Knowledge and Knowledge Crystallization.

see also: Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
