Card, Stuart

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Stuart Card is a Xerox research fellow and the manager of the user–interface research group at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). His study of input devices led to the Fitts's Law characterization of the mouse and was a major factor leading to the mouse's commercial introduction by Xerox. His group has developed theoretical characterizations of human-machine interaction, including the Model Human Processor, the GOMS theory of user interaction, information foraging theory, and statistical descriptions of internet–use.

Card is a co–author of the book The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction, a co–editor of the book Human Performance Models for Computer-Aided Engineering, and has served on many editorial boards. His most recent book, Readings in Information Visualization, co–written and edited with Jock Mackinlay and Ben Shneiderman, was published last year. He is currently concentrating with Peter Pirolli on a theory of information use and working on new user interfaces and services for the internet. Card is an ACM fellow, a member of the ACM CHI Academy for human-computer interaction, and the first recipient of the CHI Achievement Award.