Software Links (InfoVis Applications)
Overview/Link Sites
Free/Open Source
- 3D Topicscape Student Edition is a free information visualization tool to assist with organizing notes and web pages in a 3D landscape.
- Many Eyes Free visualization site from IBM Research.
- Improvise An interactive information visualization builder and browser.
- Orange A component based data-mining software with several visualization methods like scatterplot, radviz, polyviz, parallel coordinates, mosaic plot, survey plot, sieve diagram, ...
- Mondrian Mondrian is a statistical data-visualization system written in JAVA. The main emphasis of Mondrian is on visualization techniques for Categorical Data , Geographical Data and LARGE Data. Currently it features Mosaic Plot, Scatter Plots, Maps, Barcharts, Histograms, Parallel Coordinates/Boxplots and Boxplots y by x.
- Filelight Recursive graphical display of disk usage
- BROWSER a tool for time-series exploration
- fishnet Fishnet is a web browser that always displays web pages in their entirety, independent of their size. Fishnet accomplishes this by using a fisheye view.
- Macrofocus - city'o'scope
- alphaWorks : Visual Attribute Explorer A tool that provides rapid data analysis through attribute bar charts and parallel coordinate plots.
- Visualising the J2EE Management Model
- OpenDX Open Source Visualization framework based on IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
- EtherApe A graphical network monitor
- XmdvTool a tool for exploratory visualization of multivariate data
- DeliVis A cluster map visualization of social bookmarks of
- Caleydo a tool made for exploration of gene expression data and pathways, but also usable for general spreadsheet data. It includes a 3D view management approach, a hierachical heat map, parallel coordinates, histograms and implements several clustering algorithms.
- Disk Inventory X Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3. It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps".
- The SequoiaView Homepage Standard treemaps often lead to thin rectangles. We have developed a new method to display files : Squarified treemaps. The screen is subdivided such that rectangles approach squares as closely as possible.
- Newsmap Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. A treemap visualization algorithm helps display the enormous amount of information gathered by the aggregator.
- NewsTiles Konfabulator Widget for Newsmap (Treemap)
- Disk Mapper - frees up megabytes of hard disk space (commercial)
- Software from Panopticon is available for a free 30 day evaluation if you provide your contact information. Apart from the treemap visualization, Panopticon offers about 10 different visualizations including the Horizon Graph. Panopticon EX is a product for design and web publication of dashboards, while Panopticon Developer is an SDK for code level integration of the visualization technology from Panopticon in your own projects.
- most popular treemap
- Macrofocus TreeMap An easy to use treemapping tool with examples, available both as desktop application as well as web-enabled applet
- Ariadne Search Tool A treemap is used to classify learning objects. More information is also available here
- Coffee Selector Peet's Coffe & Tea treemaps
- 3D Topicscape is an information visualization tool to assist with organizing notes and computer files in a 3D landscape.
- Macrofocus InfoScope is an interactive visualization tool to explore large or complex datasets
- BonaVista MicroCharts, Sparklines, bullet graphs and other in-cell charts for Excel, dynamic chart formulas update your charts, multi-colored sparklines
- Bissantz SparkMaker is an Office add-in for sparklines in dashboards, spreadsheets, presentations and reports. Sparklines are available as bar or line graphics, whiskers and pie charts. User-defined functions for Excel, like "Sparkline (cellrange)", ensure that changes in the data are reflected automatically in the sparkline diagram. Sparklines are also available in vector-oriented Enhanced Metafile format and as bitmap files (BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG). Free 30-day trial with full functionality.
- Tom Snyder Productions: TimeLiner
- e!Sankey Visualize any type of flow data (material, energy, cost, ...) in Sankey diagrams. Shareware
- VxInsight - Sandia National Laboratories
- AVS: Advanced Visual Systems: Data Visualization
- InfoZoom InfoZoom is an intelligent tool that allows you to quickly analyze and display large amounts of data in an easy-to-understand format.
- ILOG Discovery Preview ILOG Discovery Preview is an experimental visualization tool for analyzing data sets intuitively and communicating findings within an enterprise information system. (free preview software downloadable)
- ILOG JViews ILOG JViews components provide custom, graphical components for high-end desktop, Ajax, and Eclipse displays.
- NetCharts Graphing Tools NetCharts-brand graphics can be populated and deployed in virtually any environment and architecture. Client-side, server-side, database or file-driven, J2EE, PDF, or even doesn't matter - NetCharts products integrate with all kinds of data and deployment situations.
- SHriMP (Simple Hierarchical Multi-Perspective) SHriMP is both an application and a technique, designed for visualizing and exploring software architecture and any other information space. University of Victoria
- Spotfire DecisionSite
- Time Series data display and analysis
- Disk Mapper - frees up megabytes of hard disk space
- Inxight VizServer
- Tableau Tableau is a visual analysis and reporting solution that allows people to explore and analyze databases with simple drag and drop operations.
- Software from Panopticon is available for a free 30 day evaluation if you provide your contact information. Apart from the treemap visualization, Panopticon offers about 10 different visualizations including the Horizon Graph. Panopticon EX is a product for design and web publication of dashboards, while Panopticon Developer is an SDK for code level integration of the visualization technology from Panopticon in your own projects.
- Crystal Xcelsius Create interactive visual analytics, business presentations and visual calculators from ordinary spreadsheets – then integrate them into PowerPoint, PDF and the Web.
- Visumap: A visualization tool for high dimensional data. Turns tabular data quickly into 2D and 3D map.
- ComVis ComVis is an interactive visual analysis tool which is useful for the in-depth investigation of large and multi-dimensional datasets.
- clickdensity clickdensity is a commercial usability tool that monitors and visualizes the usage of webpages (with heatmap, eg.) to identify usability and information architecture issues.
- NovoSpark Visualizer A multidimensional data visualization tool for analysis of static and dynamic data. Free download.
Web applications/services
- Attribute Explorer Applet
- newsmap
- The Baby Name Wizard's NameVoyager
- liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine
- social circles mailing list social visualization by Marcos Weskamp
- flickr graph a social network visualization inside by Marcos Weskamp
- Sparkline Generator written in Python by Joe Gregorio
- most popular treemap
- NameVoyager Java Applet to explore baby names' popularity histories
- Gapminder World Flash based Visualization that shows the world development indicators with a Scatterplot, Map and Animation (for Time).
- Google Analytics Flash based Visualizations of web server statistics
- Digg Labs Two Flash based Visualizations of the current Digg Content.
- Macro.scopia Flash based Visualizations of graph Viewer using the RSS feed, Google spreadsheet or Google calendar.
- Bungee View Open-source visualization of 50,000 musical albums and other image collections.
- Visalix Free interactive web application for visual data analysis and clustering
- Vispedia Interactive Visual Exploration of Wikipedia Data via Search-Based Integration (Vispedia project page)
- OECD eXplorer tool] OECD regnional statistics based on GeoAnalytics Visualization (GAV), which is developed for interactive Web applications based on Adobe Flash/Flex software by the Swedish National Center for Visual Analytics (NCVA).