Software Links (InfoVis Applications)
Overview/Link Sites
Free/Open Source
- Improvise An interactive information visualization builder and browser.
- Orange A component based data-mining software with several visualization methods like scatterplot, radviz, polyviz, parallel coordinates, mosaic plot, survey plot, sieve diagram, ...
- Mondrian Mondrian is a statistical data-visualization system written in JAVA. The main emphasis of Mondrian is on visualization techniques for Categorical Data , Geographical Data and LARGE Data. Currently it features Mosaic Plot, Scatter Plots, Maps, Barcharts, Histograms, Parallel Coordinates/Boxplots and Boxplots y by x.
- Filelight Recursive graphical display of disk usage
- BROWSER a tool for time-series exploration
- fishnet Fishnet is a web browser that always displays web pages in their entirety, independent of their size. Fishnet accomplishes this by using a fisheye view.
- Macrofocus - city'o'scope
- alphaWorks : Visual Attribute Explorer A tool that provides rapid data analysis through attribute bar charts and parallel coordinate plots.
- Visualising the J2EE Management Model
- OpenDX Open Source Visualization framework based on IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
- EtherApe A graphical network monitor
- XmdvTool a tool for exploratory visualization of multivariate data
- [1] DeliVis: A cluster map visualization of social bookmarks of
- Disk Inventory X Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3. It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps".
- The SequoiaView Homepage Standard treemaps often lead to thin rectangles. We have developed a new method to display files : Squarified treemaps. The screen is subdivided such that rectangles approach squares as closely as possible.
- Newsmap Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. A treemap visualization algorithm helps display the enormous amount of information gathered by the aggregator.
- NewsTiles Konfabulator Widget for Newsmap (Treemap)
- Disk Mapper - frees up megabytes of hard disk space (commercial)
- Panopticon Explorer .NET is available for immediate download in a free Learning Edition available here. Frees up megabytes of hard disk space but also gives an instant overview of other local resources on your PC, such as processes and log files. Users can also visually explore other types of data, such as Excel sheets with large amounts of data.
- most popular treemap
- Macrofocus TreeMap An easy to use treemapping tool with examples, available both as desktop application as well as web-enabled applet
- Ariadne Search Tool A treemap is used to classify learning objects. More information is also available here
- Coffee Selector Peet's Coffe & Tea treemaps
- Macrofocus InfoScope is an interactive visualization tool to explore large or complex datasets
- BonaVista MicroCharts, Sparklines, bullet graphs and other in-cell charts for Excel, dynamic chart formulas update your charts, multi-colored sparklines
- Bissantz SparkMaker is an Office add-in for sparklines in dashboards, spreadsheets, presentations and reports. Sparklines are available as bar or line graphics, whiskers and pie charts. User-defined functions for Excel, like "Sparkline (cellrange)", ensure that changes in the data are reflected automatically in the sparkline diagram. Sparklines are also available in vector-oriented Enhanced Metafile format and as bitmap files (BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG). Free 30-day trial with full functionality.
- Tom Snyder Productions: TimeLiner
- e!Sankey Visualize any type of flow data (material, energy, cost, ...) in Sankey diagrams. Shareware
- VxInsight - Sandia National Laboratories
- AVS: Advanced Visual Systems: Data Visualization
- InfoZoom InfoZoom is an intelligent tool that allows you to quickly analyze and display large amounts of data in an easy-to-understand format.
- ILOG Discovery Preview ILOG Discovery Preview is an experimental visualization tool for analyzing data sets intuitively and communicating findings within an enterprise information system. (free preview software downloadable)
- ILOG JViews ILOG JViews components provide custom, graphical components for high-end desktop, Ajax, and Eclipse displays.
- NetCharts Graphing Tools NetCharts-brand graphics can be populated and deployed in virtually any environment and architecture. Client-side, server-side, database or file-driven, J2EE, PDF, or even doesn't matter - NetCharts products integrate with all kinds of data and deployment situations.
- SHriMP (Simple Hierarchical Multi-Perspective) SHriMP is both an application and a technique, designed for visualizing and exploring software architecture and any other information space. University of Victoria
- Spotfire DecisionSite
- Time Series data display and analysis
- Disk Mapper - frees up megabytes of hard disk space
- Inxight VizServer
- Tableau Tableau is a visual analysis and reporting solution that allows people to explore and analyze databases with simple drag and drop operations.
- Panopticon Software creates visual data analysis technology for exploration and discovery of data in databases or other sources using simple drag and drop operations. They just released a new product called Panopticon Explorer .NET, which is available for immediate download in a free Learning Edition. This application gives an instant overview of local resources on your PC (files, processes etc), and also allows users to visually explore other types of data, such as Excel sheets with large amounts of data.
- Crystal Xcelsius Create interactive visual analytics, business presentations and visual calculators from ordinary spreadsheets – then integrate them into PowerPoint, PDF and the Web.
- Visumap: A visualization tool for high dimensional data. Turns tabular data quickly into 2D and 3D map.
- ComVis ComVis is an interactive visual analysis tool which is useful for the in-depth investigation of large and multi-dimensional datasets.
- clickdensity clickdensity is a commercial usability tool that monitors and visualizes the usage of webpages (with heatmap, eg.) to identify usability and information architecture issues.
Web applications/services
- MusicMaps
- Attribute Explorer Applet
- newsmap
- The Baby Name Wizard's NameVoyager
- liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine
- social circles mailing list social visualization by Marcos Weskamp
- flickr graph a social network visualization inside by Marcos Weskamp
- Sparkline Generator written in Python by Joe Gregorio
- most popular treemap
- NameVoyager Java Applet to explore baby names' popularity histories
- Gapminder World Flash based Visualization that shows the world development indicators with a Scatterplot, Map and Animation (for Time).
- Google Analytics Flash based Visualizations of web server statistics
- Digg Labs Two Flash based Visualizations of the current Digg Content.
- Macro.scopia Flash based Visualizations of graph Viewer using the RSS feed, Google spreadsheet or Google calendar.
- Bungee View Open-source visualization of 50,000 musical albums and other image collections.