2009-06-16: Job Offer: 1-2 Years Engineer Position to Design Java Interfaces for Interoperability between InfoVis Toolkits (data model, IO, Layout, etc.), INRIA, Paris, France
'Research Position (INRIA, Orsay (near Paris), France)
The INRIA AVIZ Research Team (France) is seeking an engineer who graduated recently (less than 2 years ago) to work on an open source project for the InfoVis community.
The engineer will be in charge of designing, testing and documenting Java Interfaces and class for foster interoperability between the various InfoVis toolkits and applications. The goal is to avoid all the InfoVis projects to re-implement the same components again and again (data loading and saving, layouts, etc.) by providing clean and simple abstractions (interfaces). These abstractions should be easy to implement by InfoVis system implementors and efficient enough. Some initial work has been done and the project is supported by several major contributors in the InfoVis community (see the Obvious project at Google Code).
You will
- Define Java interfaces that will be implemented by lots of InfoVis implementations
- Test and document the interfaces with additional supporting classes and components
- Interact with leading researchers and companies to validate your designs (Microsoft Research, IBM, Google, SAP, Stanford Univ., Univ. of Oklahoma, INRIA, etc.)
- Work within a creative and recognized Research Group
- Graduated in the last 2 years (Master or PhD level)
- Are proficient in Information Visualization
- Are proficient in Java
- Have done substantial coding
- Like interacting with InfoVis researchers and practitioners (in English, French is not required)
Closing date for application: August 1st 2009
Application site: INRIA Applications
The application starts October 1st 2009. If you have more questions, please, ask:
Jean-Daniel Fekete
AVIZ Project-Team
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France
Background: INRIA and AVIZ
INRIA is a leading research institute in France and known worldwide for its excellence in Computer Science. AVIZ is a research team of INRIA specialized in Visual Analytics and Information Visualization. It is lead by Jean-Daniel Fekete who is a well known research in InfoVis and HCI, author of the InfoVis Toolkit and several scientific articles.