Toolkit Links
- Software Toolkits for Infovis 2005 article in Inf@Vis! magazine
- 2004 Workshop on Information Visualization Software Infrastructures
- Open Source Graph or Network Visualization Written in Java
- Open Source Structured Graphics Libraries Written in Java
- Category:Toolkits
General Toolkits
- InfoVis CyberInfrastructure This web site provides access to a comprehehsive set of software packages easing the exploration, modification, comparison, and extension of data mining and information visualization algorithms.
- The InfoVis Toolkit The InfoVis Toolkit is a Interactive Graphics Toolkit written in Java to ease the development of Information Visualization applications and components.
- processing Processing is a programming language and environment built for the electronic arts and visual design communities.
- VisAD VisAD is a Java component library for interactive and collaborative visualization and analysis of numerical data. The name VisAD is an acronym for "Visualization for Algorithm Development"
- Improvise Improvise is an information visualization system in which users build and browse multiview visualizations interactively using a simple shared-object coordination mechanism coupled with a flexible, expression-based visual abstraction language.
- VisIt VisIt is a free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data on Unix and PC platforms (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California).
Charting Toolkits
- JFreeChart JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts.
- JOpenChart Free Java Toolkit and library for embedding charts into different kinds of applications.
- Chart2D Java programming library for visualizing quantitative data using two-dimensional charts.
- JSynoptic renders information graphically. It can be used as a simple graph plotter, or as a complex run-time monitoring environment.
- JpGraph JpGraph is a Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP >= 4.3.1
- The Rivet Visualization Environment Visualizing Complex Systems: The Rivet Project (Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University)
Graph/Network Toolkits
- prefuse: an interactive visualization toolkit prefuse is a user interface toolkit for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data. This includes any form of data that can be represented as a set of entities (or nodes) possibly connected by any number of relations (or edges).
- GINY Graph INterface librarY Java Graphing Libraries.
- JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework a software library that provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network.
- Wilmascope 3D graph visualisation system a Java3D application which creates real time 3d animations of dynamic graph structures.
- Touchgraph TouchGraph provides a hands-on way to visualize networks of interrelated information. Networks are rendered as interactive graphs, which lend themselves to a variety of transformations.
- GVF - The Graph Visualization Framework The Graph Visualization Framework is a set of Java 2 packages that can serve as a foundation for applications that either manipulate graph structures or visualize them.
- JGraph Open Source Java Graph Visualization.
- Walrus Graph Visualization Tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space.
3D Toolkits
- VTK Home Page The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
- Hydra3D Hydra3D is a 3-dimensional XML visualization and editing tool for UNIX variants and Windows.
Geovisualization Toolkits
- GeoVISTA Studio Project GeoVISTA Studio is an open software development environment designed for geospatial data.
- Exploratory Spatio-Temporal Analysis Toolkit ESTAT is an open-source geovisualization toolkit designed to provide coordinated maps, scatterplots, time series graphs, and parallel coordinate plots in an easy-to-use and dynamic interface.
- GeoVIZ Toolkit The GeoVIZ Toolkit features on-the-fly addition of a wide variety of interactive geovisualization tools in an dynamically coordinated environment, allowing analysts to quickly construct visualizations that are customized to their specific needs.
Zoomable User Interface Toolkits
- Zomit: A Zoomable User Interface Zomit is a generic package for developing zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs) that can aid in navigating large information spaces.
- Piccolo Piccolo (formerly Jazz) is an open-source Java 2 toolkit from HCIL that supports the development of 2D structured graphics programs in general, and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) in particular.