2005-09-05: Ben Fry and Casey Reas receive a "Golden Nica" for their "processing" project

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The visualization researchers and media artists Ben Fry and Casey Reas received the Golden Nica in the Net Vision category of the Prix Ars Electronica 2005 for their www.processing.org project.

As an innovative, easily understood programming language, "Processing" enables students, artists, designers and architects to design and produce virtual prototypes. The program can be utilized as both a sort of virtual sketchbook as well as a professional graphics program.

"Processing" is an open project that was initiated by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry. The program was developed jointly by a large group of artists working together on a voluntary basis, and is still constantly being revised and updated. This open-source software opens up completely new possibilities of doing artistic work on the computer.
[AEC, 2005]

The Ars Electronica is the world's leading media art festival that takes place annually in Linz, Austria. This year's festival title is "HYBRID - living in paradox".

External Links


[AEC, 2005] AEC Ars Electronica Center Linz Museumsgesellschaft mbH, PRIX - The Winners 2005, Created at: 2005, Retrieved at: September 5, 2005. http://www.aec.at/en/prix/winners2005.asp