Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2005/06 - Gruppe 10 - Aufgabe 3 - Prototyp: Difference between revisions

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* mytunes
* mytunes
mytunes is a Java Package that makes it possible to get all the data from the iTunes Library xml file to the Java Sandbox. It makes the working with the xml file a lot easier, so you don't have to bother with xml parsing.
mytunes is a Java Package that makes it possible to get all the data from the iTunes Library xml file to the Java Sandbox. It makes the working with the xml file a lot easier, so you don't have to bother with xml parsing.
* AbsoluteLayout
Java Package that allows to use an absolute layout. This package is provided with NetBeans.

Revision as of 23:40, 20 December 2005


Downloadlink: ...todo...

Short Task Description

What we had to do in our project was to visualize data from MP3 music files. We use the so called ID3 Tags to get all the interesting attributes like: song title, album title, genre, year and so on. For getting all this information out of the songs, we decided to use iTunes, because this software saves all the songs on the computer in one file. It's a xml file that holds all the informations for each song.

There is also other data saved with each song when using iTunes. Namely the date when the song was added to the library, the date when it was last played and a rating given by the user between 0 and 5 stars. As we are doing Information Visualization a main task was to give the tool an explorative touch, so that the user can find and explore his music using totally new ways which have not been implemented in common tools on the market.

Implementation Description

The prototype that we implemented of course doesn't has all the functionality we described in our concept but we tried to make clear what we wanted to achieve. The program consists of a main window and three other windows. In the main window there are two axis, one showing years and the other showing genres. The boxes on the crossings stand for the songs that were published in the given year and fall into the given genre.

The size of the box indicates the number of songs within and the color (more or less saturated in red) accounts for the rating. The better the rating, the higher the saturation. If you klick on such a box, more details of these songs are shown in the other windows. In the lower right window you can see a statistic view about how the selected songs are rated. In the lower left window the matching artists and albums are listed. In this prototype no pictures but only a list of artists and albums are shown unlike on the concept screenshot. The upper right window is also just faked and without functionality.

Used Libraries

  • mytunes

mytunes is a Java Package that makes it possible to get all the data from the iTunes Library xml file to the Java Sandbox. It makes the working with the xml file a lot easier, so you don't have to bother with xml parsing.

  • AbsoluteLayout

Java Package that allows to use an absolute layout. This package is provided with NetBeans.