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== Overviews/Articles ==
== Overviews/Articles ==
*[ Software Toolkits for Infovis] 2005 article in Inf@Vis! magazine
*[ 2004 Workshop on Information Visualization Software Infrastructures]
*[ Open Source Graph or Network Visualization Written in Java]
*[ Open Source Structured Graphics Libraries Written in Java]
== General Toolkits ==
*[ Macrofocus InfoScope] is an interactive visualization environment to explore large or complex datasets
*[ prefuse: an interactive visualization toolkit] prefuse is a user interface toolkit for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data.
*[ InfoVis CyberInfrastructure] This web site provides access to a comprehehsive set of software packages easing the exploration, modification, comparison, and extension of data mining and information visualization algorithms.
*[ The InfoVis Toolkit] The InfoVis Toolkit is a Interactive Graphics Toolkit written in Java to ease the development of Information Visualization applications and components.
*[ processing] Processing is a programming language and environment built for the electronic arts and visual design communities.
*[ VisAD] VisAD is a Java component library for interactive and collaborative visualization and analysis of numerical data. The name VisAD is an acronym for "Visualization for Algorithm Development"
*[ Improvise] Improvise is an information visualization system in which users build and browse multiview visualizations interactively using a simple shared-object coordination mechanism coupled with a flexible, expression-based visual abstraction language.
*[ VisIt] VisIt is a free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data on Unix and PC platforms (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California).
== Charting Toolkits ==
*[ JFreeChart] JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts.
*[ JOpenChart] Free Java Toolkit  and library for embedding charts into different kinds of applications.
*[ Chart2D] Java programming library for visualizing quantitative data using two-dimensional charts.
*[ JSynoptic] renders information graphically. It can be used as a  simple graph plotter, or as a complex run-time monitoring  environment.
*[ JpGraph] JpGraph is a Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP >= 4.3.1
*[ The Rivet Visualization Environment] Visualizing Complex Systems: The Rivet Project (Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University)
*[ jGLChartUtil] A free (LGPL) Java based OpenGL charting tool ([[User:Spark343|Peter McLachlan]], University of British Columbia)
== Graph/Network Toolkits ==
*[ GINY] Graph INterface librarY Java Graphing Libraries.
*[ JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework] a software library that provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network.
*[ Wilmascope 3D graph visualisation system] a Java3D application which creates real time 3d animations of dynamic graph structures.
*[ Touchgraph] TouchGraph provides a hands-on way to visualize networks of interrelated information. Networks are rendered as interactive graphs, which lend themselves to a variety of transformations.
*[ GVF - The Graph Visualization Framework] The Graph Visualization Framework is a set of Java 2 packages that can serve as a foundation for applications that either manipulate graph structures or visualize them.
*[ JGraph] Open Source Java Graph Visualization.
*[ Walrus] Graph Visualization Tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space.
*[ GUESS: The Graph Exploration System] GUESS is an exploratory data analysis and visualization tool for graphs and networks.\
*[ yEd] a java graph editor with lots of options for configuring the display and export of graph images.
*[ Graphviz-Pixelglow] a Macintosh port of the automated graph layout software Graphviz
*[ Graphviz] Open Source graph visualization software
== 3D Toolkits ==
*[ VTK Home Page] The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
*[ Hydra3D] Hydra3D is a 3-dimensional XML visualization and editing tool for UNIX variants and Windows.
== Geovisualization Toolkits ==
*[ Macrofocus InfoScope] is an interactive visualization environment to explore large or complex datasets
*[ GeoVISTA Studio Project] GeoVISTA Studio is an open software development environment designed for geospatial data.
*[ Exploratory Spatio-Temporal Analysis Toolkit] ESTAT is an open-source geovisualization toolkit designed to provide coordinated maps, scatterplots, time series graphs, and parallel coordinate plots in an easy-to-use and dynamic interface.
*[ GeoVIZ Toolkit] The GeoVIZ Toolkit features on-the-fly addition of a wide variety of interactive geovisualization tools in an dynamically coordinated environment, allowing analysts to quickly construct visualizations that are customized to their specific needs.
== Zoomable User Interface Toolkits ==
*[ Zomit: A Zoomable User Interface] Zomit is a generic package for developing zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs) that can aid in navigating large information spaces.
*[ Piccolo] Piccolo (formerly Jazz) is an open-source Java 2 toolkit from HCIL that supports the development of 2D structured graphics programs in general, and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) in particular.
*[ ZVTM - Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine] The ZVTM is a Zoomable User Interface (ZUI) toolkit implemented in Java, designed to ease the task of creating complex visual editors in which large amounts of objects have to be displayed, or which contain complex geometrical shapes that need to be animated.
== Other Toolkits ==
*[ SIMILE Timeline] Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAX widget for visualizing time-based events.
[[Category:Web resources]][[Category:Software]]

Revision as of 21:36, 20 June 2007