Teaching:TUW - UE InfoVis WS 2006/07 - Gruppe 01 - Aufgabe 3 - Prototype

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Project SpiraClock[edit]


Anton Matzneller and Lambert Frey

Task description[edit]

Our task was to implement a prototype of the Spiraclock.

SpiraClock is a visualization technique using an analog clock and an integrated spiral to show nearby events. It is a combination of the well known time-visualization techniques Timeline and Timeband [Dürsteler, 2006] and an enhancement to regular calenders, timetables or pop-up reminders providing a continuous non-intrusive display of upcoming events. For further info visit this site SpiraClock-Technique

Implementation description[edit]

The implementation is done in processing an open source programming language and environment for programms with an graphical user interface. This toolkit takes much of the burden of knowing how graphical programming works in java from the user. This was done do quickly get a working prototyp which shows the really basic of the spiraclock idea. Yet there are no interactions implemented and also the visual style needs a lot of improvement. At the moment the prototype shows the hour, minute and time hand. And displays up to 3 hours in advance. Appointments within this time are displayed as blue blocks.


Used Toolkits bzw. Libraries[edit]

The Processing Toolkit was used (see Links section)

Links to further documentations[edit]


[Dürsteler, 2006] Juan C. Dürsteler. Visualising Time. Created at: April 12, 2006. Retrieved at: November 26, 2006. http://www.infovis.net/printMag.php?num=180&lang=2.