2019-01-29: CFP: IEEE VIS 2019, Deadline (Abstracts Mar. 21) Mar. 31, 2019

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Oct 20-25 2019, Vancouver, Canada

IEEE VIS 2019 is the premier forum for advances in visualization. The event-packed week brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to explore their shared interests in visualization tools, techniques, and technology. We invite you to participate in IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis), as well as a wide range of associated events. Join us this October in stunning Vancouver, British Columbia to share your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm and be part of the visualization movement!


Paper abstracts submission (mandatory): March 21, 2019

Paper submission: March 31, 2019

We solicit high quality papers in all areas of visualization including visual analytics, information visualization, and scientific visualization in three tracks. For more information, visit:

Overall papers CFP

Topics and paper types for each individual track:

14th IEEE Visual Analytics Science & Technology Conference (VAST)

25th IEEE Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis)

[http://ieeevis.org/year/2019/info/call-participation/scivis-paper-types 30th IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis)]


Submission deadline: Feb 15, 2019

We solicit workshops related to all areas of visualization including visual analytics, information visualization, and scientific visualization. The workshops venue at IEEE VIS provides an informal and interactive setting for participants to come together and discuss advanced technical topics in visualization, involve experts in the field, disseminate work in progress, and promote new ideas. Submissions consist of a four-page outline of your proposed workshop.

For details, visit [1]

Contact: workshops@ieeevis.org

Doctoral Colloquium

Submission deadline: May 22, 2019

The doctoral colloquium is a forum for PhD Students to present their proposed dissertation work and receive feedback from leading senior visualization researchers. We invite contributions from the visual analytics, information visualization, and scientific visualization student communities. The DC call is open to all Ph.D. students ? regardless of whether they are presenting research work at the main conference or not. Preference will be given to students who will gain most from the experience, meaning students who are in the process of formulating their dissertation topic or who have just formulated a dissertation topic.

For details, visit [2]

Contact: doctoral_coll@ieeevis.org

VIS Restructuring News: Today's Topic, Revamped Call-for-Participation

For new members of the IEEE VIS community, the differences between the three main conferences (IEEE VAST, IEEE InfoVis, and IEEE SciVis) can be a bit overwhelming. With that in mind, this year's Papers Chairs have been hard at work aligning the calls for participation for the three conferences and making it easier to choose where to submit your work.

A few big changes for 2019 include:

  *We have added more standardized language across all three conference
  calls, making it easier for authors to compare the calls and decide where
  to submit their work.
  *All three conference calls will include new and consistent guidelines
  for open-publication and open-data practices.
  *Authors who are uncertain about which conference to submit to will now
  have the option of deferring that choice to the conference papers chairs,
  who can direct the paper to the pool of reviewers who are best-suited to
  evaluate it.

This year, we will also debut a new unified VIS Short Papers track which will accept late-breaking and smaller-scale contributions from across the visualization spectrum (no need to specify VAST, InfoVis, or SciVis).


The conference will be held in the Vancouver Convention Centre at Canada Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.



Alex Endert, Georgia Institute of Technology Brian Fisher, Simon Fraser University Wesley Willett, University of Calgary


Gautam Chaudhary, Alcon


Remco Chang, Tufts University (VAST)

Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz (VAST)

Ross Maciejewski, Arizona State University (VAST)

Petra Isenberg, Inria (InfoVis)

Miriah Meyer, University of Utah (InfoVis)

Jo Wood, City, University of London (InfoVis)

Gunther Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (SciVis) Issei Fujishiro, Keio University (SciVis)

Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart (SciVis) Peter Lindstrom, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (SciVis)


Jing Yang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Fanny Chevalier, University of Toronto

Roxana Bujack, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Luis Gustavo Nonato, Universidade de S?o Paulo


Adam Perer, Carnegie Mellon University (VAST)

Anastasia Bezerianos, University of Paris-Sud (InfoVis)

Chaoli Wang, University of Notre Dame (SciVis)

Natalia Andrienko, Fraunhofer Institute IAIS and City, University of London