Evaluating Information Visualization Applications

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Riccardo Mazza

Short Description


Access Plot:

Access Plot

Discussion Plot:
This 3D scatterplot is about the disussions of the course. The figure shows time, topics and students.

Discussion Plot

Behavioural Graph:
This graph represents the behaviours of a single student. It shows the student's access to the content pages, the global access to the course, a progress with the schedule of the course, messages and the submission of quizzes and assignments.

Behavioural Graph

Important Citation

attitudes, feelings and beliefs ... are more likely to be revealed

via the social gathering and the interaction which being in a focus

group entails
[A. Gibbs, 1997]

formulate and answer questions [users] didn’t anticipate having before looking at the visualization
[C. Plaisant, 2004]

Suitable Data Types
